老山東(PEKING RESTAURANTS) 是泰國最具知名度的中餐品牌,中國駐泰大使館張九桓大使特別題詞“衆口難調調眾口”。目前已發展為擁有数家分店及一家工廠、既有店面又有外送諸多業務的餐飲集團。各分店均由來自中國具有豐富經驗的廚師親自主理,做工精細,風味純正,深受歡迎。以最道地中國北方菜聞名泰華。著名美食家他那詩親王及著名美食家墨丹先生經常光顧品味,並大加讚賞,特授予泰國美食標志“大花碗”。中國駐泰機構均以純正中國北方菜特色向泰國及世界各國賓客介紹,贏得好評,成爲中華飲食文化的窗口。泰國第5電視臺、第7電視臺、ITV電視臺、DAILYNEWS泰文報紙、NATION英文報紙、世界日報中文報紙及衆多日文報刊等都做過美食專題,向各國民衆介紹本店及其製作的中華美食。中國中央電視臺曾專題介紹老山東飯店在泰國的成功,成爲中餐海外發展的典型,特別讚揚在弘揚中華美食文化方面所作的貢獻。

PEKING RESTAURANTS以位居中國八大菜系之首的魯菜為飲食風格,魯菜擅長爆、燒、炸、炒、扒、蒸、等,所做菜肴清香、鮮嫩、味純。在中國北方地區最爲流行。魯菜也是北京宮廷禦膳的主體精華部分。以山東水餃爲代表的麵點製品更是馳名中外。


PEKING RESTAURANTS店面分佈在素坤逸26巷、素坤逸2巷、是隆路、亞速路、唐人街、叻差拉披色羅賓森百貨、詩孔百貨4樓、無綫電路、四面佛等地.

第十分店坐落在曼谷市中心,中央世界貿易中心及四面佛對面的五星級酒店INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL的B層,周邊環境高貴繁華。飯店中式裝修,富麗堂皇。營業面積達350平方米,設有VIP包房、大小圓桌、長方桌等,可同時容納160人用餐。



Peking Restaurants is Thailand’s most famous brand of Chinese cuisine, and has received special recognition from Mr. Jiu Huan Zhang, the Ambassador of the Chinese Embassy in Thailand. Now, we have under our brand 10 branches of restaurant, 1 factory, and delivery service. Every branch is overseen by experienced chef from China, which ensures our careful cooking process and authentic taste that is loved by so many of our customers. Our genuine Northern Chinese dishes are well known throughout the area, popularizing another type of Chinese cuisine aside from the already well known Guangdong cuisine. Thailand’s top gourmets and chefs M.R. Khun Chai Thanadsri Svasti and M.L. “McDang” Sirichalerm Svasti have visited our restaurant numerous times, enjoying and praising our delicious cuisine, and we are honored to have received 大花碗, the symbol of high quality food. Various Chinese organizations in Thailand have raved to Thais and overseas friends alike on Peking Restaurants’ authentic Northern Chinese style. Thailand’s Channel 5, Channel 7, ITV Chanel, Daily News, The Nation, Universal Daily News (Chinese), and many Japanese papers have had shows and articles about us and our cuisine. CCTV, China’s biggest and most influential TV channel, also hosted a special show about Peking Restaurants’ success in Thailand, which has become a model for establishing Chinese restaurants overseas, and our contribution in promoting Chinese food culture.

PEKING RESTAURANTS offers mainly Shandong styled cuisine, which is the most important branch of the eight branches of Chinese cuisine. Shandong styled cuisine, popular in northern China, is praised for its unparalleled stewing, quick-frying, frying, sautéing, steaming, and other various cooking techniques that yield dishes with tantalizing smells and fresh and tender tastes. It was also an essential part of old Beijing’s royal palace menu. Shandong cuisine made from wheat flour, such as the famous dumpling, is renowned in the world.